The spiral of change widens and deepens, deepens and widens. It continues each day. There is no silver bullet, no magic pill to end the suffering.
And, what I can tell you is that when you really step into this inner and outer work, you begin to face what you are experiencing in a way that is totally different than ever before through Releasing and letting go of what doesn’t serve you, Remembering how it feels to accept and lean into who you truly are and Rejuvenate your whole being so that you can live from this place of Bliss day in and day out.
Whatever your story is, together we can together zoom in on and remove the obstacles that keep you from real change and transformation so that you can live joyfully and freely; from the place that is wholly and completely you.

You are more than the pain, the stress and the suffering that you experience day in and day out.
There are ways that you have been living that don’t serve you. In fact, these ways once helped you through an experience. Now, they only serve the pain and suffering, keeping you in lock-down mode. When you are locked down, you can’t move, you can’t remember who you are or what you are meant to be doing. It’s like you are walking around with a blindfold on and looking to so many modalities to get you out of your pain and agony. The truth is, you are more than the pain, the stress and the suffering that you experience day in and day out. Yes, all of what you experience is valid as it points you to the places that need acceptance and love. If you allow, lean in and yield, moving towards the pain with curiosity, you will find that you are more than your pain.
You will start to chip away at the identity you have clutched onto for so long that you are your pain. This remembrance will point you to the same essence that you had when you were young: changeable, malleable, flexible and resilient, full of vibrancy, vitality and life.

Isn’t it true that when you feel the most supported, you can actually let go, physically, mentally and emotionally?
Learning to let go isn’t something that can just be spoken about. You can talk and philosophize about it all you want and you can think you know what it is about, but until you truly physically unwind the core tension around your spine, it’s all just theory in your head. Letting go can actually become a tangible reality when you reliably release the deepest layers of tension along your spine through a unique yogic and somatics paradigm based in two core concepts: support equals release and sensing, feeling and action. Isn’t it true that when you feel the most supported, you can actually let go, physically, mentally and emotionally?
When you release the spine you get to experientially understand and feel what it is like to truly let go and surrender to what is; and start to understand why you experience tension, pain and stress. And, it just gets better! From this place of release, you can then learn how to take action in the world from this new and open place in your body and mind.

Rejuvenation, renewal and restoration all become the natural feedback loop in your everyday experience.
Vibrancy, vitality and pain-free living is totally possible when you continuously and regularly enliven the cells of your body and mind with treatments, therapies and daily rituals that repattern, rewire and renew your whole being: body, mind and spirit. When you continuously unlock and remove the obstacles standing in your way by unwinding and releasing the deepest layers of tension in the core of your body, you are simultaneously infusing every cell with love, acceptance and bliss.
This letting go is also reprogramming, rewiring and repatterning you to access your rejuvenating life force automatically each day. With this renewal, you are enlivening your physiological pathways to be in bliss day in and day out. Rejuvenation, renewal and restoration all become the natural feedback loop in your everyday experience.

Schedule a free call with Meredith to see how she can help you find and establish long lasting physical relief and live a life of ease, joy and vibrancy again.
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