“Meredith taught me how to relax. While it sounds so simple, it is the most incredible gift.
I had experienced 16 months of debilitating back pain from muscles that wouldn’t release. I couldn’t tolerate sitting for more than a few minutes. Car travel was completely out, lying prone was good for an hour or two, and walking was my only real relief. I was exhausted! Massage, acupuncture, prolo-therapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic offered temporary relief and then it was gone. Stretching, strengthening and physical therapy, while recommended by many, only exacerbated my pain. The improvements that I’ve seen with Meredith are both immediate and long-term.
At every therapy session, I marvel that subtle adjustments bring such intense muscle release. The home practice allowed me to access deep relaxation without constant movement. Over time, I have felt my bones settling into more comfortable and less protective positions, I have much greater flexibility, and am ready to take more risks knowing that the smallest movement is not going to break me. Meredith is able to envision a path for long-term recovery while staying flexible to changes along the way. While I take comfort in the familiar rhythm of the therapy sessions and the prescribed home practice, there is always something new in her treatment pushing me towards greater body awareness, release, flexibility and strength.”
—Marjorie Smith
Kind & Knowledgeable
“I used to take Svaroopa® yoga classes and private Yoga Therapy sessions when Meredith practiced in Vermont. Not only is she a very kind and knowledgeable instructor and therapist, but she truly allows others to sit with their own process and does not try to push one into poses that we may not be ready to accomplish. The yoga therapy treatments that I received always engendered healthy, gentle and safe spinal decompression.”
—Trishia Thompson, NCTMB
Safe Space to Open and Heal
“As a Martial Artist and Assault Prevention instructor my body takes constant punishment that requires regular alignment and healing. Meredith’s confident yet compassionate yoga therapy practice has helped me in very tangible ways. Her ability to recognize and find trouble spots, combine healing positions and breath work while holding a safe place to open and heal, is profoundly restorative. I personally appreciate being in the presence of someone who loves and knows their craft and is a consummate professional. Meredith’s gifts are present in each session and it is an honor to witness and experience a sacred gift in action.”
—Master Andre Salvage

The Most Relaxing Yoga Ever
“Classes with Meredith Hart is the most relaxing, peaceful and meditative yoga I have ever experienced in my life. Her voice is soothing and I enjoy her knowledge and wisdom of 20 years of teaching yoga and meditation. She is there with all her attention for every single participant and I feel loved and cared for.
I am looking forward now every week to these two hours of Yoga Meditation, it’s just delicious. I am grateful for this opportunity to relieve stress and experience inner peace and serenity. It is so enjoyable and I am grateful.”
—Keala C. Gerhard
Incredible Depth & Breadth
“I have been truly blessed to know Meredith for more than 11 years and I can say unequivocally that she is my most trusted and go-to person for all physical and metaphysical questions, needs and support. She is one of those truly rare and special people who possesses incredible depth AND breadth within her fields of practice, has extensive and diverse experience that matches her equally thorough education and applies all this with tons of heart and just the right amount of directness to lift you up and support you to where you are trying to go. Meredith is a true gem and I am immeasurably grateful for all she has gracefully offered my heart, body and mind over the years.”
—Rob Gold, Yoga Therapist
Schedule a free call with Meredith to see how she can help you find and establish long lasting physical relief and live a life of ease, joy and vibrancy again.
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