The REAL Yoga reliably leads you straight out of your illusions and into your consciousness, into the bliss of your being…. every time….
It asks you to get into the pose and wait, that’s all. No need to push – only lean in.
It does this through the science and practice of spinal decompression.
It is SLOW, CONTEMPLATIVE, MEDITATIVE, ACCESSIBLE and POWERFUL – supportively leading you into the hard stuff with GENTLENESS, GRACE, and EASE. You don’t have to do anything but simply be WITH YOURSELF.
It is not for the faint at heart – as a complete healing science, it propels you deep inside, inviting you into your reality, GENTLY and DIRECTLY.
It coaxes you to lovingly get over your external desires of toning, balancing, stretching, strengthening, or making anything happen on the outside. This happens through the experience of consciousness itself, NOT THROUGH YOUR MIND or YOUR EFFORTING but THROUGH SURRENDER.
Do you want to truly go into yourself? You don’t have to show up with the latest yoga clothes or mat. You only need to simply show up and simply be with yourself, wherever, whomever and however you are in that moment.