Experience how the state of pure bliss ushers in the deepest healing.

Experience how the state of pure bliss ushers in the deepest healing.

massage ayurveda meredith hart

Each program is designed to foster pure bliss-consciousness so that your innate healing capacity can flow naturally and effortlessly.

Receive regular mentorship, training, and support through individualized lifestyle consultations, home practices, and group work so that you can experience bliss, healing and transformation every day. And for those who are training to become teachers and practitioners in the Hart Approach to Yoga™️ and Embodied Release™️ Yoga Therapy, support yourself while you study. Your healing and transformation always comes first.

Your life becomes blissful through the daily ritual of diving into your Self, over and over again.

Yoga Somatic Therapy & Re-education Session

Discover ease & embodied bliss in your body by releasing & unwinding the deepest layers of tension along your spine so that your life-force energy can usher in long-lasting relief from chronic pain & stress.

More About Yoga

Clinical Ayurveda Consultations

Find out what you are doing and how you are doing it on a daily basis that needs some reprogramming. Discover behavior modifications suited to serve your highest and healthiest Self so that you can heal core issues and feel good in your body and mind again.

More About Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Massage


Clear your energy channels with a sublime 75 minutes where individually prescribed herbal & aromatherapy oils are massaged into your skin & body bringing deep healing & peace. 



Disarm your nervous system & calm your mind with a deeply quieting 60 minutes that starts with craniosacral therapy & finishes with a continuous pour of herbalized warm oil over your third eye & forehead.

Heart Dhara


Bathe your heart center & heal emotions with a soothing 60 minutes that is designed to unfurl each petal of your heart lotus. 

Spine Dhara


Bring in warmth & relief to your spine for 60 minutes with this unique treatment designed to deliver healing herbs & oils to the place that aches the most.

Individualized Programs

Receive the personalized support & mentorship to find healing & make the changes that you deeply desire. Meredith will design and tailor an individualized program for you that integrates Svaroopa Yoga Therapy, Somatic Re-education, Biointegrative Craniosacral Therapy, Mantra & Breathwork Healing, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations, Pulse Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Rejuvenation & Detoxification Treatments including Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Swedhana, Netra Tarpana, Manya Dhara, Kati Dhara, Heart Dhara and more.

Individualized Programs

Receive the personalized support & mentorship to find healing & make the changes that you deeply desire. Meredith will design and tailor an individualized program for you that integrates Svaroopa Yoga Therapy, Somatic Re-education, Biointegrative Craniosacral Therapy, Mantra & Breathwork Healing, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations, Pulse Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Rejuvenation & Detoxification Treatments including Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Swedhana, Netra Basti, Kati Basti, Heart Dhara and more.

Vedic Somatics 12 Month Healing Program

The 12 Month Vedic Somatics Program specializes in individualized healing that weaves Svaroopa Yoga Therapy, Somatics, Meditation, Mantra and Ayurveda.  The program includes group workshops and calls with others on the path as well as individual private sessions and consultations catered to your specific needs.

You will come out of the program hardly remembering how you used to be because you won’t be operating in ways that are shut down and contracted any longer. You will find deep healing and will find that you are living more fully, vibrantly and joyfully more than ever before. All of this is possible because this method works at the deepest most core level to align you with who you truly are. Contact Meredith and apply today. 

Schedule a free call with Meredith to design your program today and learn more about reclaiming your vibrance.

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