Embodied Release™️ Yoga Therapy
Discover ease & embodied bliss by releasing & unwinding the deepest layers of tension along your spine. When this unwinding happens, your innate healing intelligence, your life-force energy can usher in long-lasting relief from chronic pain & stress. Both in-person and online consist of re-educating your body-mind to work in harmony so that ease can become a reality. A unique paradigm of functional movement and release work, Embodied Release™️ Yoga Therapy harnesses your inner healing capacity through the use of individualized support (yoga props) combined with very precise alignments. This combination targets the hardest-to-move places in the core of your body, allowing your tension patterns to be reprogrammed. In-person sessions include hands-on deepening so that your healing and integration can be quickened. Programs consist of individualized therapeutic home practice and either online lessons or in-person treatments. Keep in mind that each person is on their own healing journey – some students take a very short time to find the healing they are looking for, especially when they carve out the necessary time to do their practices.

Core Essentials of Yoga Therapeutics
A year-long program in Embodied Release™️ Yoga Therapy that initiates you into a whole new movement paradigm of highly specific and individualized release work. Targeting the tension along the spine, each Yoga Asana and Breathing Pranayama Practice fosters a sense of relief and unwinding. Many people discover this work due to chronic pain, where nothing else has worked or provided the long-lasting results they seek. Each 8 Week Series consists of a foundational theme and will give you the tools to continue on your own if you desire.
This program is offered every year beginning in January. You can enjoy all three components as they occur during the year, or take it one at a time on your own timing.
Once you complete each 8-week component of this course, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Deeper Yoga Therapeutics twice-weekly practices.

Deeper Yoga Therapeutics
Ongoing, by invitation only – GROUP WORK
Take the fundamental elements, the Core Essentials of your Embodied Release™️ Yoga Therapy practice to a whole new level of synthesis. Through continued supportive release, you’ll uncover an embodied understanding of the physical and mental/emotional blocks that keep you from accessing who you truly are both during your practice and in your daily life. As you witness your own unfolding into yourself, you’ll then get to practice and carry that direct and experiential understanding into more dynamic yoga asanas and practices hat are designed to release tension in the body-mind through specific focus and activity. A highly integrative class.

Samadhi Gentle Classical Yoga
A 75-minute class that cultivates the Classical Yoga sequence through the somatic and therapeutic lens of the Hart Approach to Yoga™️. Meredith’s contemporary approach fosters alignment, breath, embodied active release, holistic systems and somatics approach, functional movement repatterning, and gentle presence. Each Yoga Asana and each Breathing Pranayama Practice are yogic technologies in and of themselves that foster opening and integration. Take your yoga practice to a more integrated level with this gentle and replenishing but deep practice. De-stress while cultivating your inner sense of soft strength and deep synthesis of body and mind working together in gentle harmony.
Schedule a call with Meredith to see how her yoga programs and trainings in the Hart Approach to Yoga™️ and Embodied Release™️ Yoga Therapy can help you live a life of ease, joy and vibrancy.